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hapter Nine
Emotions, Intuition & Changing Reality

"Your subconscious mind is a warehouse of knowledge. Why don't you use this knowledge? It isn't because you don't know how to. Maybe it's because your afraid to. Remember, the truth you seek is not fearful, but just and proper."

As defined in previous chapters life is cyclical in nature. Apart from the seven year cycle we are subject to monthly cycles, daily cycles, hourly cycles, even down to a per-second cycle. Although we have discussed the seven year cycle which is the major governing cycle, the other cycles are predominant in spontaneous decision making.

Most decisions we make are the result of immediate interaction with other people. In some cases personal interaction decisions require some thought and time, but without doubt the major choice period takes place within the boundaries of a minute or two.

All decisions are the changing of realities. To change a reality a choice by the one wishing to make the change of reality must be made to alter the present perception of the circumstance or the decision. Altering perception is viewing the situation or the end-result with a primary purpose in mind. We tend to fantasize first. We then alter our mental fantasies to suit our own natural perceptions of the real issue.

Mental fantasies are our personal way of projecting imagery and ideas so other individuals or events surrounding the reality change can become party to the change. We send out the fantasy message to seek response. Once the response is confirmed we then emotionally, physically and spiritually embark on creating the fantasy in real terms. The outcome of the fantasies are subject to the emotional behavior patterns we are exploring at the time of creating the fantasy. Emotional guide lines control our visualizations of the circumstances, but primarily whether the fantasy will be either positive or negative.

Trying to design fantasies when we are exclusively in a positive emotional frame of mind will enhance the positive end-result. If we are subject to negative emotions or influences from external forces while we try to design a fantasy we end up with negative results. There are however a number of cases where we create fantasies, while being in a negative mode. Understandingly to our knowledge we have not as yet discovered the perfect individual.

The normal reason for the negativity appearing while designing positive fantasies is we usually are not aware the negative influences are part of our mind set. Knowing when the negative influences are apparent is the purpose of knowing the different emotional responses, our cycles and when would be the best time to act or make a decision.

If we all could place stubbornness aside, utilize the cyclical knowledge, and follow through with the definitions of the emotions, the potential of making less negative decision end-results would be phenomenal. Stubbornness is the greatest downfall of mankind. We tend to inquire and seek knowledge. Yet once we obtain the knowledge we also tend to over-analyze it.

Procrastination is caused by the requirement that we must analyze a situation to death. Although one may have calculated their cyclical charts and completed the emotional exercise, by the time one makes a decision, in a good number of cases the emotional responses will have changed. Procrastination may have set in.

To properly change reality it is absolutely necessary to proceed with our feelings and thoughts immediately, and not fence-sit or procrastinate. The issue is simple. At the time of decision making if we are truly in a positive cycle, yet we recant or loose the confidence in the proposed fantasy, and procrastinate for a period of time, the end-result will very rarely come about. The reason is like attracts like, and although the individual still feels their initial decision was accurate, the other party may no longer be of like mind. A dual fantasy is necessary for the change of reality to succeed.

What is a reality change? During the early nineteen sixties when the drug culture began, experimentation with such drugs as L.S.D., mescaline, peyote and other mind-altering cannabis were the preference drugs and these drugs altered the actual physical perceptions or realities of the takers. The drugs changed the metabolism of the users especially within the brain and caused substantial perception changes. The use of the drugs was not unlike Doctor Wilder Penfield's surgery procedures with electrical stimulation addressed in Chapter One.

The changes were actually physical perception changes. The distorted messages from the brain to the eyes and other physical parts of the body were the cause of most perception changes. Besides the physical changes one experienced, in certain areas of the brain which stimulate our fantasy functions, certain mental changes also occurred. When the mental areas of the brain were attacked by the drug, the brain resorted to scrambling the input information travelling to the conscious mind and altered the output data. The altered output data created abnormalities within the conscious mind. The subconscious mind was very rarely affected. The drug users still had comprehension of the surrounding events but could not act upon this comprehension because their brain could not formulate the information from the mind. The lack of mind comprehension has been shown by researchers who upon questioning participants in laboratory studies, especially after the drug users had induced a particular drug, found their subjects were subconsciously aware of all the effects which took place, even those events in which they would not normally partake.

The conscious mind however was affected during the laboratory studies quite the opposite from how the subconscious mind was affected. The messages from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind seemed scrambled. The conscious mind, therefore induced the final outcome. From the clinical observations it has been found the subconscious mind functions in a positive cyclical manner, while the conscious mind is susceptible to intervention and manipulation of the brain. To truly alter or change reality the actual mental fantasy or message must be determined in the subconscious mind first. How the message is interpreted rest squarely on the conscious mind.

If there is any part of the mind which must be controlled it is the conscious part of our brain mechanism. The conscious brain is subject to numbers of different emotions, continuously battered into submission. The subconscious mind is the immune protective system which places the conscious mind on a strait and narrow positive road. Sometimes however, because of the stubbornness of the conscious mind the messages between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are not transmitted.

For the subconscious mind to take control, it is necessary to develop a workshop environment within the mind which has the key to open the conscious mind to suggestion. Humans function in the opposite manner. We as researchers have been trying to unlock the subconscious mind instead of the reverse. The subconscious mind is already unlocked, but the stubborn twin, our conscious mind refuses to partake in the exercise.

Once we have mastered the ability to create an environment where the subconscious mind controls all of our interactions, intuitively with truth, we can then create positive fantasies and then develop the physical requirements to make them happen or change reality.

To help the subconscious mind take control, it is imperative the conscious mind be aware of all its pitfalls. Emotions are the conscious mind's greatest detriment. Once negative emotions take hold of the conscious mind the continuation process prevails. Repetitively, inputting data to the conscious mind with reference to our different twenty-one emotions causes the conscious mind to remember the circumstance and the final outcome. The twenty-one emotions, once accepted by the conscious mind, then opens a doorway to the subconscious workshop. The same mental communication effect can be accomplished by seeking means of relaxing the body and relaxing the conscious mind to allow a free flow of information from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind.

There are a number of methods of accomplishing a communicative conscious doorway through relaxation techniques. New Age advocates contend some of their methods accomplish relaxation and courses are readily available at a number of New Age locations. The best resource in deciding which course or seminar one should follow is to seek a system which creates a strong visualization capability, with sound and action, plus a system which requires interaction between the conscious and the subconscious minds.

By developing a keen sense of understanding the cyclical process and using the accumulated data retrieved from the 21 Emotions Exercise; by following through with the emotional corrective emotions; the conscious mind will within a short time open up and leave itself vulnerable to the subconscious truths. Once we learn to communicate between our conscious and subconscious minds, then we will allow the subconscious positive fantasies to be realized and accepted by the conscious mind. The conscious mind in turn, would do its utmost to fulfill the subconscious reality changes.

Without understanding and knowing all the twenty-one emotions one cannot develop intuition. Without intuition it is impossible for one to fantasize or change reality.

It is necessary for emotions, intuition and fantasy to function in synchronization for the full benefits to be achieved; one without the other is a useless endeavor and without the combination of the three, reality changes cannot even be considered.

An understanding of all the emotions and how they affect our decision making processes is required for one to be intuitive . Intuition is truth. We can only be intuitive if the emotions we express are of a positive nature. Thus intuition comes to the forefront and creates the imagery visualization for the perceived events of the proposed change of reality.

Until the preliminary fantasy is firmly implanted in our minds, the subconscious mind is incapable of passing the message to the conscious mind so the fantasy can be acted upon. Therefore all reality changers must first know consciously what they require. Once the reality changers know what they want, the conscious mind must then send the information about the reality change to the subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind receives the input data from the conscious mind, the subconscious mind evaluates the request and begins to issue guidelines to initiate the reality change. The actual change of reality takes place once the conscious mind begins to physically formulate the subconscious visualization data. If the visualization is not clear, the conscious mind or brain will scramble the data and create roadblocks or imperfections to the end-result.

The data transference between the conscious and subconscious minds is the actual outline to the end-result. Each data step is carefully assessed and placed in order of primary importance. Each data step leads to the next, and if one of the steps is out of order, going forward is not possible. Each time the disorders occur and one still tries to complete the change of reality, they will find they can no longer proceed and then they must go back to the beginning and start all over again.

The energy expended during the mental transfer imperfections reduce the abilities of the person by establishing emotional roadblocks of a negative nature. The emotional roadblocks reduce the confidence level of the participant and would then create a negative workshop. Once the reduction of confidence supersedes and a negative workshop is formulated starting over is more difficult then the original beginning. Extra energy is required to offset the implanted negative thoughts. The negative thoughts must first be removed before one can proceed. To eliminate the possibility of error and energy discharge it is necessary to make sure the data is fully organized first.

In conjunction to being fully organized it is necessary absolutely nothing interfere with the change of reality once a fantasy visualization is in process. Emotions must be intact and the intuitive visualization must stay the same.

There are a number of people who may feel they are already changing realities. The majority of individuals who feel they are already capable of changing realities are only acting upon wishful thinking and are not convinced they can as a result change reality and competently accomplish what they started out to do.

Those individuals who believe they are presently changing reality by wishful thinking is the reason why their successes are limited and their failures are predominant. Wishful thinkers are those who sporadically decide to do something without the benefit of their intuition. Wishful thinker's intuition is hampered by their inability to understand or control their emotions.

A simple guideline to offset wishful thinking and create actual change of realities consists of:

1. Establish a question or criterion and proceed to complete the "21 Emotions Exercise".

2. Once the above has been completed and the actual emotion which is required is implemented, design a mental and verbal visualization of the event.

3. Once the visualization is firmly implanted in the conscious mind, heed the intuitive output from the subconscious mind, and follow through with the guidelines intact.

By following the three simple steps to avoid wishful thinking, with practice the outcome of changing one's personal reality will be positively sufficient to warrant continued use of the process.

It must be remembered changing realities is an action and not only an idea. A formula for changing the reality is required to be successful. Each one of us may have a different formula but the base minerals, chemicals and catalyst are the same. The ideas for the actual change of realities are derived from our emotions first, or their requirement and then putting these requirements into a pictorial form intuitively.

Intuition is the liaison factor both ways; first between our emotions and the subconscious mind; and in reverse; and between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind or brain. Intuition accepts the emotional input, designs a picture, transmits the picture to the subconscious mind, puts itself on hold until the subconscious mind develops the outline and then transmits the outline back to the conscious mind.

Library No EGC-2-811992-B

Copyright © Earl Gordon Curley 1981.

All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior consent of the author is an infringement of the copyright law and will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.

FIRST EDITION August 1981.

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