Dr. Sherri Tenpenny writes:
A chilling pattern consistently arises from the stories of hundreds of parents: “My child was a normal, happy, and healthy. He was walking, learning to talk and playing with his siblings. He was on track developmentally, and everything was normal. At his one-year well baby check up, the doctor said it was time for his next round of shots. Unquestioning, the shots were given. Within weeks, he was autistic.”

The stories may vary somewhat in content. Perhaps there was a concern about a resolving infection. (The doctor said not to worry.) Or, there was reservation because the last shots had caused hours of inconsolable crying and a high fever. (The doctor said that was “normal” for some kids and not to worry.) But the stories of the descent into the isolated world of regressive autism for thousands of children are eerily the same.

What is dogma?

Webster’s defines dogma as “a doctrine; a positive arrogant assertion of opinion.” Many medical medical dogmas certainly abound. Some have survived for decades simply because an assertion was made and then never disputed. Repeated often enough, it was assumed to be fact with little or no further discussion.

An early example of dogma occurred within the vaccine industry. In 1913, Dr. Simon Flexnor developed a theory that polio was a disease that entered through the nose and mouth and traveled directly to the brain and the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis. Through his work with monkeys, he concluded that the virus would only grow in neurological tissue cultures. Further studies demonstrated that nearly all vaccines cultured with tissue from the nervous system caused life-threatening encephalitis.(1)

Flexnor’s conclusions were never reproduced or confirmed by other researchers. No one tried experiments using different strains of poliovirus to see if they would grow on tissues other then nerve tissue. His sole paper became the unquestioned dogma that dictated the direction of polio research for 25 years until Dr. John Enders serendipitously found that, indeed, the virus would grow in various other types of tissue cultures.

When Enders’ revolutionary discovery was published in Science, January 28, 1949, the entire virology community accepted it with little fanfare. A dogma that had been the cornerstone of polio research for more than a quarter of a century passed quietly into the history books.

A present day vaccination dogma is published by The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a group of ostensibly impartial physicians, scientists and researchers. This ivory tower organization consistently concludes, after a review of the pharmaceutically-funded research that has already concluded that no connection exists, that there is no “scientific” to support the clinically observable connection between autism and vaccination. The IOM supports the established belief that, since autism appears around the same time as the first year vaccinations are given, angry and disappointed parents need something to blame. The blame is placed upon a “safe and effective” vaccine. In essence, thousands of parents are called liars.
The medical dogma supporting this view is the assertion that “temporal association does not prove causality.” In simple terms, the phase means that even though two events occur at nearly the same time, one event is not the cause of the other. The implication is that regression into autism would have happened anyway. The fist full of vaccines given immediately before the appearance of autism had nothing to do with it. This dogma promotes “the child is to blame, not the vaccine.” Similarly, intense investigations are searching for a genetic cause for autism spectrum disorders.(2) The identification of a corrupted gene will point an incriminating finger at defective parents as the “cause” of their child’s autism.

The following statement was published in the Center for Disease Control’s publication on infection diseases, referred to as The Pink Book:

“There is no distinct syndrome from vaccine administration, and therefore, many temporally associated adverse events probably represent background illness rather than illness caused by the vaccine…. the [vaccine] may stimulate or precipitate inevitable symptoms of underlying CNS disorder, such as seizures, infantile spasms, epilepsy or SIDS. By chance alone, some of these cases will seem to be temporally related to [the vaccine].”(3)
In essence, the vaccine “experts” at the CDC are blaming the defective child for having a reaction.  With the rate of autism being 1 in every 150 children, an urgent investigation is needed to establish how many unvaccinated 12- to 18-month old children suddenly become autistic. vs the number that become autistic within hours or days of recieving the shots. There is currently no answer to this question because, in fact, no one has even looked.


(1) Rogers, Naomi. Dirt and Disease, Polio before FDR. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1996), p. 24
(2) “Genetic cause of autism.” http://www.news-medical.net/?id=15426 January 18, 2006.
(3) CDC. Epidemiology and Prevention: The Pink Book, 6th Edition. Chapt 6: Pertusus. pg 80
Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is respected as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the negative impacts of vaccines on health. Through her education company, NMA Media Press, she spreads her vision of retaining freedom of choice in healthcare, including the freedom to refuse vaccination. Her three hour DVD, Vaccines: The Risk, The Benefits and The Choices , her new book FOWL! Bird flu: It’s Not What You Think, and many other books, tapes and materials are available at http://www.nmaseminars.com/VaccineInfoHome.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherri_Tenpenny,_DO