© Copyright Psi Counsel 2024
Bruce Kettler:
Obtain The Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga by Yogi
Ramacharaka (nearly a century old) and see how your soul
resonates with this.
The focus is upon the part of you that does not think, have
feelings, or a body. In other words, the eternal you. That
YOU, your soul, existed before you came into this physical
existence, and will continue after your body dies.
When I say you focus upon that eternal self, I do not mean
that your thoughts, your feelings, or your body are to be
ignored. Certainly, you enjoy taking care of your body,
feeding it wholesome food, giving it exercise, enjoying a
wholesome and spiritual sexual relationship, and great
intellectual growth and enjoyment.
But, to identify with your body, or your thoughts, is bondage.
When you fully realize you are a soul that is eternal, the
body and thoughts become appendages to you, and you
have control over them.
Then, you are free.
And, your ability to develop intuition - to have psychic
knowing - is enhanced.
Contact us for counsel, to free your soul.
The Law Of Attraction
You draw into your life, like a magnet, what you most
consistently think and feel. Even if you think, and feel, that
you do not want certain uncomfortable circumstances, you
will draw that. If you say to yourself, again and again, "I am
so tired of not having enough money," you will continue to
have very little.
If you have met the same type of the opposite sex, again
and again, and you constantly say to yourself, and others,
how tired you are of losers, of promiscuous people, or
stupid, or violent, that type will continue to manifest.
Even if you say you DO NOT WANT, and if you feel the
RESISTANCE to it, it will continue to happen. Your thoughts
and emotions draw that into your life. The PROPER use of
the LAW OF ATTRACTION requires you know what you DO
want, and dwell upon that.
Suppose you want to quit smoking. You do not dwell upon
SMOKING, or STOPPING. You dwell upon clean, and
healthy, lungs.
If you constantly have indigestion, do you remind yourself of
the uncomfortable, or painful, feelings in your body that you
want to get rid of? No, you consider good health, and a
body filled with peace.
The proper use of the LAW OF ATTRACTION improves with
practice. RAJA YOGA helps one to understand CONTROL
not the same type of control that psychology refers to as
repression. It is far different, and when you learn of RAJA
YOGA you will understand.
destined to be together.
Have you found
The One Love
click here
The Law Of Attraction Part 2
The Law Of Attraction Part 1